Photos model of human action

I snapped this photo while hunting with Kang Heri, Lecturer ISI Yogyakarta, the location at Kebumen. The concept Hunting of lighting and shooting techniques, how to adjust the light and indoor shooting.

Photos silhouette human action, suwuk Kebumen

The original silhouette image, Suwuk beach location, Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia. The visitors were enjoying the beauty of the beach suwuk.

Photos of exotic, Menganti Beach

This side scene by side with images that I published earlier, views of the island. This is a beach area is still in the process of development, community initiatives to develop the tourism area, which initially only the small port of fishermen.

Photos splitting of the earth, karst Kebumen

Splitting of the earth, karst limestone Banyumudal, Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia. Earth being eroded, not only eroded the ozone layer, a layer of rock was more contaminated.

Photos caterpillar sphingidae family

This is a caterpillar moth family Sphingidae. Portrait of a hard life, caterpillars, portraits depicting human life, no matter how hard life , continues to be lived and enjoyed with humility.

12 Mei 2012

Culture local go International

Prehistoric cultural relics that are still being developed "Wayang Kulit"